Wayfinding Street Decor
Missoula finalized a community visioning plan for the development of a Wayfinding System in 2013. Intended to help citizens find their way, and showcase community assets and Missoula’s sense of place, the wayfinding system includes city and district gateways, vehicle directional, pedestrian directional, parks, parking, and trails signage for the entire city.
The Downtown Missoula Partnership funded the fabrication and installation of 35 pedestrian directional signs, completed in 2016 in partnership with the City of Missoula. In 2017 the city will finalize fabrication and installation of the vehicle directional, gateways and parking signage. The DMP continues to raise funds for nine double-sided Information Kiosks to be designed, fabricated and installed in key locations throughout Downtown. For more information on the Missoula Wayfinding System, contact Charlie Menefee, City Transportation Planner, via email.